I sit down with my favourite food, pizza, to watch my favourite programme, MacGyver.
Something terrible happens. MacGyver is in real trouble. There is simply no way he will get out of this particular bind. It’s hopeless… I should switch over… I cannot bear to watch him die. A truly despicable individual has trapped him in a room and is now filling that room with poisonous gas! Mac is down on all fours and struggling to breathe! I know he’s got out of difficult situations before, but I can tell he just doesn’t have the strength to muster a solution on this occasion.
I have to stop watching the episode and so return to the Sky Planner page. Shaken, I allow myself some deep breaths. I can only assume all subsequent episodes depict how the secondary characters cope in the aftermath of Macgyver’s untimely passing.
I return to the episode weeks later. I feel I have to watch it, even though I don’t want to, as I know my hero is going to die. It has been playing on my mind however. I need closure. Little do I realise I am about to receive a most wonderful shock… mere minutes into the resumption of the episode, somehow, MacGyver has managed to extricate himself from the hopeless situation described above. I celebrate my relief with a Kit Kat and yogurt.