Summer Walk on the Ryleen Road
On the Ryleen Road today, I may not wander far
I kneel down and start to play below our yellow star
I write “JB” with my nail in a hot soft splotch of tar
And stand up quick as I get wind of a coming car
I smile and wave as it speeds by not knowing who they are
And then look down at what I’ve done — will my name leave a scar?
On the Ryleen Road today I have not wandered far
I see golfers in the distance trying to save their par
I hear flies and wasps and bumblebees droning like sitars
Beside the fading wrapper of an eaten Yorkie bar
Two ladybirds are mating — isn’t life bizarre
I’ve brought them to my little niece who’s put them in a jar
On the Ryleen Road today I did not wander far