Here are a pair of old bedroom demos about the past. I find the past a very hazy, confusing place, hence the paradoxes, I guess. These songs never found a home but they mean quite a bit to me.
Laughing Equals Crying
Everything reminds me of the past
A vague sense of vanished happiness
Everything reminds me of the past
It washes over me as I lie back on the grass
I feel it underneath a clear blue sky
Airplanes leaving two white lines behind
I feel it looking at the kitchen light
Outside underneath icy starry nights
Everything reminds me of the past
A vague sense of vanished happiness
You know I think the more you love life
The more you think about dying
I love the things I lose
Laughing equals crying
Laughing equals crying
Nothing Except Everything
The photos on the wall
When you were very small
You understood nothing
The photo over there
Where your mother’s combed your hair
You understood nothing except everything
Jesus rose up from the dead
And he turned himself to bread
You never asked how
Your selfish mouth reflected all you ever thought about
What do I want now
Your uncle passed away
Can I go outside to play?
You understood nothing
An awful tragedy
What are we having for tea?
You understood nothing except everything
Grown-ups woke up everyday and felt their body’s slow decay
You never asked how
The sun would disappear
You’d never ask why are we here
What do I want now
What do I want now